Three Marketing Strategies


It is time to focus on your marketing strategy. When coming up with ideas for execution, consider three promising strategies; vanity, sales, community. Each pillar contributes to redefining your reputation in the business. Your clients actively use online as a means to stay in touch. Have your company be a leader in conversation. Remain in the know as a pivotal changemaker within your community. Choose to catapult your brand to gain public figure status and significant sales recognition. Your niche community and others will listen to your ideas and respond in your favor.

When plotting a marketing strategy, focus on one key element at a time. Vanity, sales and community all propel brands to the next level, though the finite detail comes in as your company selects the primary plan. As you access a marketing company, a clear goal will help a successful starting point to a long-term partnership. Ideally, the marketing agency will ask to define your objective. Consider your company a leader in the industry or a niche communication outlet for attractive clients, either way, pinpoint the purpose.

Vanity helps you be the public face of your field or location. Vanity metrics make up the numbers of followers or subscribers, content likes and comments. Numbers can allure audience members to share your discussions and advocate for you consistently. Reporting online marketing stats in large involve numerical figures. Vanity metrics play a huge role in a marketing company’s return on investment to the client. Going after large numbers is positive, but you must consider that gaining a high number of followers is a different strategy to sales. 

The sales strategy communicates an emphasis on business. The company has an online marketing presence to grow its bottom line. The public figure status and post engagement are less valuable in the sales development process. Simply put, a brand can have a perceivably low follower count yet maintain business growth using online mediums. The return on investment in business development is highly regarded in long-term client-agency relationships. Agencies remain insightful to help the client grow their revenue. The client needs to remember that ultimately it is the CEO’s responsibility to lead monetary goals, not the agency. 

The third strategy of community is an excellent one for businesses to listen to the clients. Appreciate your customers by creating satisfaction campaigns and discussions to give you their opinion to improve your service or product, voices matter. Allow your online platform to represent your continued effort to aid in a proactive company with values that advocates can stand next to with pride. Have posts that honor customer feedback while giving them the incentive to join the conversation and invite others. The community can be niche to your location while a modest following. Act as if you are a neighborhood member chatting with those who help make the area a better place. Sales and vanity metrics are less meaningful here since the purpose is to harness more social media posts comments.

You now have three specific strategies to help you approach marketing; vanity, sales, community. Join Francesca Ragucci Marketing as a client. Together, we will choose a combination of concepts to meet your goals. Our company leads online marketing ideas and content creation to give your business a voice to be heard online. We help clients with social media, website, email marketing and more.

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