Play the Social Media Game… Or Not — Francesca Ragucci

Play the Social Media Game… Or Not

Playing the social media game means doing what’s trendy to get attention through likes and comments over staying true to your business. Social media features go in and out of popularity. Business people can search online and find how-to videos about content types and topics, which will grow the followership. Clients’ goals are to gain business and develop public figure status. They want to be social media influencers by achieving over 10k or 100k followers. Reaching high-profile social media status includes deploying strategies that may not be in alignment with the business’s brand. What you want to post may not be trend-worthy online. You are welcome to choose to get likes and comments at any means necessary by checking out what others are attracted to in your city and industry.

On the other hand, staying authentic to your core purpose on social media satisfies your company and reputation. There is a way to have fun on social media and reach your direct target audience. Be realistic about your wants with campaigns online. Features like video and short-form motion graphics engage a viewer to gain awareness of the sales proposition. Brand representation is to share information about services and products with creative photos and videos. Genuine promotions will help the audience know, like, trust and buy from you. On the other hand, being a social media personality may be disingenuous to your main message. Consider all approaches when starting a monthly marketing plan with Francesca Ragucci Marketing.
